Emma (12年级)



“我不相信我们能进入最后的战斗并且与老师战斗!”绿队队长Jayla说。所有的BC学生都来观看比赛,每个人都很兴奋。我们的老师Mr. Chang准备得很充分,他脱下了鞋子,“我想这能帮助我跑得更快,避免球更容易”。当比赛开始时,所有的老师都像闪电一样快速地抓住了球,所以绿队需要躲避球才能存活,以便之后反击。 然而,老师们没有给绿队机会,他们投得又快又犀利,他们的第一次投球就让许多学生退出了比赛,所以只有一位11年级的学生还活着。没有意外,老师轻而易举地赢得了比赛。“老师们真的很擅长这场比赛,而且他们的投得很密集,所以我没有机会迅速避免,并且所有这些都发生在一瞬间,我没有反应的时间”11年级学生的Price说。


Emma (grade 12)

Luwan BC program’s dodgeball competition is a school tradition which is held every year. This year, the student council decided to hold the competition on November 15th. All six house teams competed with each other and the winning team got to play against the teachers!

Dodgeball is a popular activity in North American elementary schools, high schools and even universities. However, dodgeball isn’t popular in China, so I will introduce the rules first. Every match is limited to 20 minutes, and every team needs to have 8 players, 3 girls and 5 boys. Five balls are lined up in the middle of the playing area. After the match begins, players need to rush in and grab the ball. Once the players get the balls, they can begin to try to hit the players on the other side. If a player gets hit by a ball or goes out of bounds, s/he is eliminated. Also, if a player catches a ball from opposite team, the player who threw the ball is eliminated and one team member can come back into the game again. The goal of the game is to eliminate the members of the opposite team. All the students were really excited, especially the grade 10s. After a long period of games, finally the winner was the Green team! So they fought against teacher’s team as the final battle.

“I don’t believe that we can go into the final battle and beat the teachers!” said Jayla, leader of the green team. All the BC students came and saw the game and everyone was excited. Mr. Chang was full of preparation. He even took off his shoesm saying: “I think this can help me to run faster and avoid the ball easier.” When the game began, all the teachers grabbed the balls as quick as lightning, so the green team needed to avoid the balls in order to survive and fight back. However, the teachers didn’t give this chance to the green team, their throws were fast and sharp. Their first throws got many students out of the game, so only Price from grade 11 was alive. It’s no surprise that the teachers won the game easily. “Teachers are really good at this game and their throws are really tight, so I have no chance to avoid quickly. All of this happened in just in a second,” said Price.

In general, all the students enjoyed in this competition and they look forward to having more chances to attend these kinds of events in the future.