Lola Liu (12年级)





在字典中,“海怪”是一个有八条触须的海中怪物。我们称自己为“海怪”是期盼自己有像海怪同样强大的触手,这可以帮助我们在游戏中抓住更多的飞盘。飞盘俱乐部定于每天午休和放学后训练。每天练习的目的主要是让学生在午饭和放学后锻炼身体,呼吸一些新鲜空气,这对他们的健康和学习都有好处。在上海青少年飞盘联赛和BC海外学校联赛中,我们的热情促使我们得到很多收获和发展了更紧密的伙伴关系。这一切都归功于Chang先生的辛勤工作,组织和训练这个俱乐部。他是一个专业的教练,并教会队员们许多有用的技巧和策略。“Krakens热爱飞盘游戏,Krakens从来没有放弃,”他说。今年,12年级的学生对新生说:“我们欢迎大家来俱乐部并互相成为朋友。”有很多10年级的学生加入飞盘俱乐部真是太好了。一个10年级的学生说:“这是所有体育运动的混合体。当我玩飞盘的时候,我像足球运动员一样切线,跑得像个跑步者。极限飞盘是独一无二的,不同于其他任何运动,但与其他运动有联系。一个10年级的女孩说:“女孩和男孩在同一个团队里是很好的。这场比赛没有性别偏见。女孩也可以在俱乐部里训练技能和锻炼身体”。我们的队长,George Li和Sharon Liao,他们带领这个俱乐部成为一支高水平的飞盘队。今年,我们跟上海的其他学校组成了一个飞盘联盟,像南模中学,中加枫华国际学校以及协和双语学校。我们已经和他们进行了比赛,并加强了自己的技能。这是我们的飞盘俱乐部和飞盘队“海怪”。我们很荣幸成为俱乐部中的一员。

We Call Ourselves “Krakens” 

Ultimate Frisbee is not a sports game that Chinese people are familiar with. However, Ultimate Frisbee is popular among young Canadian students. As a Canadian offshore school, Luwan BC established a Frisbee club and a Frisbee team called “Kraken” in order to let students experience a more Canadian school life.

What is ultimate frisbee?

Ultimate Frisbee is a sport played by seven players on each team with a flying disc. During the game, players are not allowed to have physical contact. Without a referee, the crux of this game is maintaining a positive, fair spirit. Players try to pass the disc back and forth to teammates. They also cannot move their feet when holding the Frisbee. Points are scored when a teammate catches a throw in the opposing end zone.

We call ourselves Krakens

In the dictionary, “Kraken” is a sea monster who has eight tentacles. We call ourselves “Kraken” in order to have the same powerful hands as the Kraken, which can help us to catch more discs in the game. Frisbee Club is scheduled to be held every lunch break and after school. The purpose of everyday practice in mainly to allow students to exercise and get some fresh air after lunch and school, which is good for their health and studies. Our passion motivated us to make great achievements and develop a more close partnership in the Shanghai Youth Open and BCOS tournaments last year. It’s all thanks to Mr. Chang’s hard work, organizing and coaching this club. He’s a professional trainer who teaches Krakens many useful skills and strategies. “Krakens do enjoy all Frisbee games and Krakens never give up,” he said. This year, all grade 12 students said to our freshmen, “We welcome everyone to come to the club and make friends with each other”.  It’s great to have a lot of grade 10 students join the Frisbee club. A student in grade 10 said, “It’s a mix of all of the greatest sports. When I play Frisbee, I am cutting like a soccer player and running like a runner”. Ultimate Frisbee is unique and unlike any other sport, but has connections with other sports. A girl from grade 10 said, “It’s great that girls can be on the same team with boys. There is no gender bias in this game. Girls can also practice the skill and get fit in the club”. We have our captains, George Li and Sharon Liao, who lead this club to have a high-leveled Frisbee team. This year, we joined a league in Shanghai with schools, like Nanmo, Sino, and Xiehe. We have already battled them and sharpened our skills against these schools. This is our Frisbee club and the team “Kraken”. We are Krakens and we are proud of ourselves.